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With our headquarters in Dresden, we are strategically located in the largest center of microelectronic industries in Europe. As the capital of the German state of Saxony, Dresden is at the heart of “Silicon Saxony”, a term used to describe the region and its hundreds of microelectronics businesses.
Maintaining strong, collaborative relationships with local manufacturing companies and world-renowned universities (e.g. TU Dresden and HTW), Dresden is also the center of our R&D activities.
In addition to its high density of outstanding research institutions, Dresden is also well known for its history, beautiful baroque architecture, and broad collection of fine arts.
}', 21='{type=list, value=[{id=31544187646, name='MScha'}]}', 22='{type=number, value=1}', 24='{type=string, value=Unser Hauptsitz befindet sich in Dresden, der Hauptstadt des deutschen Bundeslandes Sachsen. Dresden ist das Herzstück von „Silicon Saxony“, Sachsens größtem Hightechnetzwerk und Europas größtem Mikroelektronikstandort.
Wir pflegen enge Kooperationsbeziehungen zu lokalen Fertigungsunternehmen und zu weltweit anerkannten Universitäten der Region (z. B. TU Dresden und HTW), wodurch Dresden das Zentrum unserer F&E-Aktivitäten ist.
Neben seiner hohen Dichte an herausragenden Forschungseinrichtungen ist Dresden auch für seine Geschichte, seine wunderschöne Barockarchitektur und seine große Sammlung an bildender Kunst bekannt.
}', 25='{type=string, value=Dresden (Deutschland)}', 26='{type=string, value=Dresden Headquarters}', 27='{type=string, value=Dresden (Deutschland)}', 28='{type=string, value=Germany}', 29='{type=string, value=Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 6}', 30='{type=string, value=01099}', 31='{type=string, value=Saxony}'}, {id=10744804136, createdAt=1561493914279, updatedAt=1697043766406, 1='{type=string, value=Regensburg}', 2='{type=option, value={id=3, name='Europe', order=2, label='Europe'}}', 3='{type=string, value=SYSTEMA Systementwicklung Dipl.-Inf. Manfred Austen GmbH}', 4='{type=string, value=Schikanederstr. 2bSYSTEMA was founded in Regensburg in 1993 and has benefited from the rapid growth in the region for 30 years.
The historically and culturally significant, world-heritage city attracts travelers from all over the world. Since the founding of the university in 1962, Regensburg has developed into an important economic center, where global players as well as successful companies and start-ups have settled.
The automotive industry, with its suppliers and mechanical engineering expertise, as well as our team, appreciates the region’s excellent manufacturing environment and skilled labor.
A successful urban-cluster policy leads to close cooperation between companies, research institutions and universities.
}', 21='{type=list, value=[{id=31544187646, name='MScha'}]}', 22='{type=number, value=1}', 24='{type=string, value=SYSTEMA wurde 1993 in Regensburg gegründet und profitiert seit 30 Jahren vom rasanten Wachstum der Region.
Die historisch und kulturell bedeutende Welterbestadt zieht Reisende aus aller Welt an. Seit der Gründung der Universität im Jahr 1962 hat sich Regensburg zu einem bedeutenden Wirtschaftsstandort entwickelt, an dem sich sowohl Global Player als auch erfolgreiche Unternehmen und Start-ups angesiedelt haben.
Die Automobilindustrie mit ihren Zulieferern und der Maschinentechnik schätzt gleichermaßen die hervorragenden Produktionsbedingungen und das Vorhandensein von Fachkräften in der Region wie auch unser Team von SYSTEMA.
Eine erfolgreiche Clusterpolitik führt zu einer engen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Hochschulen.
}', 25='{type=string, value=Regensburg (Deutschland)}', 26='{type=string, value=Regensburg (Germany)}', 27='{type=string, value=Regensburg (Deutschland)}', 28='{type=string, value=Germany}', 29='{type=string, value=Schikanederstr. 2b}', 30='{type=string, value=93053}', 31='{type=string, value=Bavaria}'}]To be a successful MES Solution Architect you need:
In close collaboration with our high-tech industry customers and partners, you are designing and modelling all production processes and work flows with the Critical Manufacturing MES solution with the goal to achieve substantially increased manufacturing efficiency.
For accomplishing this challenging goal, you will analyze the customer’s requirements, devise and specify the architecture for the entire solution and configure the MES according to the design. If required, you will specify customizations and act as the cross-functional interface between end users and developers.
As the main point of contact for the customer you are responsible for the quality of the customer-specific solution and you are leading the SYSTEMA project team. You accompany the project throughout the entire life cycle including specification, development, test, training and production deployment.
In addition, you support presales by evaluating possible solutions, demonstrating the product and creating proof-of-concept designs.
Additional skills (not mandatory):
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