Helen Leps, on January 18, 2021, 04:25 PM
2020: A year of challenges and digitization
A global pandemic strikes and makes digitalization more needed than ever
The past year couldn’t have been more challenging – affecting the global economy, the way we work and our daily lives alike. It has been hard on many and we cannot stretch enough what a humbling experience it has been. The world was slowing down but – at least from our perspective – the manufacturing industry took the chance to tackle automation and digitalization projects with high force. Drivers were to keep producing running when neither personnel nor partners were allowed inside the factory. To quickly switch from producing cars to respirator masks, from cosmetics to disinfectants or to support the development and production of vaccines.
At SYSTEMA, we were suddenly faced with more online customer meetings, go-live-supports via webcam, more remote teams and virtual events. Being the ones who have preached the importance of digitalization to the world, we also had to do our homework to improve digital collaboration both internally and externally, and we will continue to do so.
One highlight: a new office in Brazil
We are excited that we have been confronted with growing demand and customer requests. As a result, we continued to expand our local services and provide global support 24/7 by bringing in the company Interface and establishing a local office in Brazil. With the Interface team we strengthened our SAP MII expertise and brought in a powerful manufacturing accelerating solution with a focus on the process industry.
Kicking off the year with a series of digital events
With a focus on datafication and automation in manufacturing we are kicking off 2021 with a digital version of the 18th Innovation Forum for Automation on January 28. We plan on hosting many more webinars this year and hope you will attend and enjoy.
We want to take this opportunity to thank our customers, employees and partners for their outstanding collaboration, support, prudence, pragmatism, and for keeping us busy in 2020. A strong collaboration is what we all need right now. Stay safe and stay healthy and have a successful start of this year.
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